Influenza virus adalah pdf

Influenza wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. The spanish influenza pandemic of 19181919, which caused. Influenza, biasanya dikenali sebagai selsema flu, merupakan penyakit berjangkit burung dan mamalia yang disebabkan oleh virus rna dari famili orthomyxoviridae virus influenza. The serotypes of influenza a virus are identified based on the hemagglutinin h and neuraminidase n proteins. We confirmed that influenza d virus is widely present in cattle species dairy cattle, yellow cattle, and buffalo. Semua bentuk kehidupan dapat diinfeksi oleh virus, mulai dari hewan, tumbuhan, hingga bakteri dan arkea. Influenza d virus in animal species in guangdong province. Influenza in birds is often referred to as avian influenza, in pigs as swine influenza, in horses as equine influenza and so on. Walaupun gejalanya mirip, kedua kondisi ini disebabkan oleh jenis virus yang berbeda. In 20002002, h5n1 avian viruses reappeared in the poultry markets of hong kong, although they. Some isolates of influenza a virus cause severe disease both in domestic. Who information for the molecular detection of influenza viruses. To evaluate the importance of clinical symptoms in the diagnosis of influenza virus infection. Influenza a virus hemagglutinin and neuraminidase act as.

Hemagglutinin is a class i fusion protein, having multifunctional activity as both an attachment factor and membrane fusion protein. Moreover, antibodies to influenza d virus were detected in goats, sheep, and humans 56. Oct 15, 2019 influenza viruses are constantly changing. Influenza viruses are isolated from a variety of animals, including humans, pigs, horses, wild and domestic birds, and even sea mammals. Strains of all subtypes of influenza a virus have been isolated from wild birds, although disease is uncommon.

Who information for the molecular detection of influenza. Pdf virus influenza, penegur antroposentrisme manusia. The 1918 influenza pandemic had another unique feature, the simultaneous or nearly simultaneous infection of humans and swine. Myocarditis was a common and sometimes fatal complication of influenza infection in the pandemics of the previous century 17. New virus gets official name, influenza d sciencedaily. Seasonal influenza viruses circulate and cause disease in humans every year. Penyebab influenza adalah virus rna yang termasuk dalam keluarga orthomyxoviridae yang dapat menyerang burung, mamalia termasuk manusia. July 20 this document is provided in order to clarify the differences among seasonal influenza, pandemic influenza, and zoonotic or variant influenza.

Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 19181919. Influenza a virus iav membrane proteins hemagglutinin ha and neuraminidase na are determinants of virus infectivity, transmissibility, pathogenicity, host specificity, and major antigenicity. We also detected viral rna in serum specimens and feces of animals with certain severe diseases. Influenza, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan flu, merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus rna dari familia orthomyxoviridae virus influenza, yang menyerang unggas dan mamalia. Jika anda pernah mengidap influenza, tubuh anda telah membuat antibodi untuk melawan jenis virus serupa lainnya. Table 1 shows a summary of influenza virus detections in the who european.

Virus ditularkan melalui air liur terinfeksi yang keluar pada saat penderita batuk, bersin atau melalui kontak langsung dengan sekresi ludah, air liur, ingus penderita. Influenza a symptoms can be confused with signs of other conditions but are usually. Virus penyebab influenza atau common cold mudah ditularkan melalui ludah yang dibatukkan atau dibersinkan oleh penderitanya. Avian influenza 3 and that will spread readily from person to person is unknown. Influenza virus strains that cause worldwide outbreaks pandemics are classic examples of emerging viruses that are maintained in other animal hosts before transmission to humans. In temperate climates, dis ease tends to occur seasonally in the winter months, spreading from persontoperson through sneezing, coughing, or touching contaminated surfaces. This limited host range is apparently responsible for the lack of associated influenza pandemics in contrast with those caused by the morphologically similar influenza a virus as both mutate by both antigenic drift and. In particular, we found high levels of influenza d virus infection in goats and pigs.

Influenza type c infections generally cause mild illness and are not thought to cause human flu epidemics. Influenza b virus is the only species in the genus betainfluenzavirus in the virus family orthomyxoviridae influenza b virus is only known to infect humans and seals. Influenza a h1n1atau lebih dikenali sebagai selesema babi merujuk kepada influenza demam selesema yang disebabkan oleh manamana virus dalam keluarga orthomyxoviridae, berasal dari wabak yang menjangkiti populasi babi. Most people with influenza feel too ill to attend childcare. People of all ages can get the flu, from babies and young adults, to the elderly. Communicating today based on the lessons from the 19181919 influenza pandemic pdf icon 1. Type a influenza is a contagious viral infection that can have lifethreatening complications if left untreated.

Itulah sebabnya hanya virus influenza a dan b termasuk dalam vaksin influenza musiman. Ia boleh menyebabkan gejala jangkitan yang ringan mahupun serius. Pada manusia, antara gejala umum termasuklah demam, sakit tekak, sakit otot, sakit kepala teruk, hidung berhingus serta tersumbat, batuk, kelesuan dan rasa tidak sedap badan. Virus wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Berbeda dengan epidemi musiman influenza biasa, pandemi ini terjadi secara tidak teratur telah terjadi sekitar sembilan pandemi influenza selama 300 tahun terakhir. A new influenza virus that affects cattle has an official name. Backgrounddiscovery the concept behind modern virology can be traced back to adolf mayer, dimitri ivanofsky and martinus beijerinck who, independently in the late 1880s, discovered what was later to be called tobacco mosaic virus tmv. Influenza in humans is often referred to as the seasonal flu. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan manusia untuk memanipulasi alam melalui teknologi. Influenza a adalah satusatunya virus yang dapat menyebabkan pandemi, yaitu penyebaran penyakit secara global. Virus hanya dapat bereplikasi di dalam sel makhluk hidup karena virus tidak memiliki perlengkapan seluler untuk bereproduksi sendiri. Di antara banyak subtipe virus influenza a, saat ini subtipe influenza a h1n1 dan a h3n2 adalah yang banyak beredar di antara manusia. Moreover, the role of viruses in hospitalacquired pneumonia and ventilator. Istilah virus biasanya digunakan pada jenis virus yang. Virus and disease, epidemics and pandemics steinhoff. Flu atau influenza adalah infeksi virus yang menyerang hidung, tenggorokan, dan paruparu.

How do we mitigate zoonotic influenza virus threats to humans. Some isolates of influenza a virus cause severe disease both in domestic poultry and, rarely, in humans. Virus influenza a adalah jenis yang dapat menginfeksi manusia dan hewan. Panduan instruksi kerja identifikasi molekuler virus influenza. Orthomyxoviruses have enveloped virions virus particles that measure between 80 and 120 nm 1 nm 10. Many questions about its origins, its unusual epidemiologic features, and the basis of its pathogenicity remain unanswered. In the united states, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. Influenza wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. A highly pathogenic avian influenza a h5n1 virus has crossed the species barrier to cause deaths in humans in asia and poses an increasing threat. Avian influenza is caused by influenza a virus, which has 8 rna segments. First identified in humans in 1947, ivc is responsible for mild upper respiratory illness, most commonly in.

Influenza viruses escape immunity through continuous antigenic changes that occur predominantly on the viral hemagglutinin ha. Namun di antara banyaknya jenis virus tersebut, yang paling sering adalah rhinovirus. The virus of the 1918 pandemic likely expressed an antigenically novel subtype to which most humans and swine were immunologically naive in 1918 12,20. Kasus flu akibat virus tipe c terjadi lebih jarang dari a dan b. Viral pneumonia in adults could present as communityacquired pneumonia cap, ranging from mild disease to severe disease requiring hospital admission and mechanical ventilation. Influenza a virus in swine iavs type a influenza viruses can infect swine and cause a respiratory disease called influenza a virus in swine iavs. Pandemi influenza adalah wabah virus influenza yang menyebar pada skala dunia dan menginfeksi sebagian besar populasi dunia. Influenza fact sheet keywords department of health services, dhs, division of public health, influenza, flu, coughing, sneezing, vaccine, vaccination, flu shot, contagious, p42064, p42064 created date. Influenza diagnosis clinical and epidemiological characteristics increase of febrile respiratory illness lab isolation of influenza virus from clinical specimen e.

Therefore, ha is responsible for binding influenza virus to sialic acid on the surface of target cells, such as cells in the upper respiratory tract or erythrocytes, causing as a result the internalization of the virus. When human populations are faced with influenza viruses to which they have no immunity, pandemics occur. Contoh paling umum dari penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus adalah pilek yang bisa saja disebabkan oleh satu atau beberapa virus sekaligus, cacar, aids yang disebabkan virus hiv, dan demam herpes yang disebabkan virus herpes simpleks. Flu atau influenza merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus rna yang menginfeksi saluran pernafasan banyak manusia, hewan dan burung. In 1999, another avian influenza virus of h9n2 subtype was transmitted to two children in hong kong. Influenza a virus causes influenza in birds and some mammals, and is the only species of the genus alphainfluenzavirus of the virus family orthomyxoviridae.

Birds, pigs, horses, ferrets, dogs, and cats can all be infected with various strains of the influenza virus. Penyebabnya adalah virus citrus vein phloem degeneration cvpd. Viral pathogens are increasingly recognized as a cause of pneumonia, in immunocompetent patients and more commonly among immunocompromised. The nucleocapsid, which consists of a protein shell, or capsid, and contains the viral nucleic acids, has.

Influenza viruses are orthomyxoviruses that cause acute. Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference. Although shift can theoretically happen with any influenza virus, in practice it only occurs with influenza a as these viruses infect both humans and animals. Dalam keadaan tertentu, ia boleh mengancam nyawa individu yang dijangkiti. This work is licensed under a creative commons attribution. Pandemi influenza wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia. Manusia adalah bagian dari alam dan jaringjaring rumit ekosistem, meskipun manusia memiliki kelebihan untuk memanipulasi atau mengelola alam sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Influenza is present at low levels in pigs throughout the world and regularly causes disease outbreaks.

Occasionally, the common cold or influenza can be complicated by a bacterial infection such as an ear. Hewan lain yang diketahui dapat terinfeksi oleh infeksi influenza b adalah anjing laut dan musang. Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among department of defense personnel during the 20172018 influenza season. Virus influenza bersirkulasi di setiap bagian dunia. Banyak orang mengira flu sama dengan batuk pilek biasa common cold. Dec 21, 2018 type a influenza is a contagious viral infection that can have lifethreatening complications if left untreated.

Gejala yang paling umum dari penyakit ini adalah menggigil, demam, nyeri tenggorokan, nyeri otot, nyeri kepala berat, batuk, kelelahan, dan rasa tidak nyaman secara umum. Influenza viruses are inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants, and detergents, such as sodium deoxycholate and sodium dodecyl sulphate. Sedikitnya ada 100 jenis virus yang dapat menyebabkan influenza. Animal influenza virus infections in humans international journal of. It was caused by an h1n1 virus with genes of avian origin. Influenza merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza yang menjangkiti salur pernafasan. This limited host range is apparently responsible for the lack of associated influenza pandemics in contrast with those caused by the morphologically similar influenza a virus as both mutate by both antigenic. Pada babi, wabak ini sejenis penyakit berjangkit yang mengganggu sistem pernafasan babi dan berpunca daripada salah satu jenis virus selesema. Penderita flu akan mengalami demam, sakit kepala, pilek, hidung tersumbat, serta batuk. Influenza babi wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Penyebabnya adalah virus influenza, yang terutama tersebar melalui batuk, bersin, dan bersentuhan.

Influenza flu adalah penyakit pernapasan menular yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit ringan sampai penyakit berat. Influenza viruses are susceptible to heat, ph extremes, dryness, and are generally unstable in the environment. Virus influenza adalah virus yang mudah menular dari penderita ke orang lain terutama jika terinfeksi bersin atau batuk. Seasonal influenza seasonal influenza viruses circulate and cause disease in humans every year.

Molecular tests revealed influenza d viruses of dok lineage widely circulating in farmed animal species in guangdong province, southern china. Avian influenza is a potential and unpredictable threat to humans because of the segmented nature of the genome. Mar 27, 2017 influenza a virus iav membrane proteins hemagglutinin ha and neuraminidase na are determinants of virus infectivity, transmissibility, pathogenicity, host specificity, and major antigenicity. Cardiac involvement of influenza infection before the 2009 pandemic. Itu adalah hal yang membuat anda lebih kebal dari terinfeksi virus influenza atau flu.

There is no evidence to suggest that the consumption. Induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies bnabs targeting conserved epitopes following vaccination is a goal of universal influenza vaccines and advantageous in protecting hosts against virus evolution and. Pdf makalah penyakit mers irma nirmalasari academia. Genus ini memiliki satu spesies, iaitu virus influenza b. Flu goes around every year, with some years being worse than others. Pdf the influenza virus iv is still of great importance as it poses an immanent threat to humans and animals. Influenza a viruses are divided into subtypes based on two proteins on the surface of the virus. General practitioners gps however, still depend on their clinical judgement. The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. Orthomyxovirus, any virus belonging to the family orthomyxoviridae.

If one assumes a causeandeffect relation between the detected virus and the cns condition in a significant proportion of these. Myocarditis associated with influenza a h1n1pdm2009. The executive committee of the international committee of taxonomy of virus announced a new genus, orthomyxovirdae. Genus ini memiliki satu spesies, yaitu virus influenza b. Respiratory virus infections are difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds. Myocarditis associated with influenza h1n1pdm2009 in the world. Small autopsybased studies on fatal cases revealed a complication rate of focal to diffuse myocarditis of 39. Serangan flu terjadi tibatiba dan dapat bertahan beberapa hari. Influenza d viruses primarily affect cattle and are not known to infect or cause illness in people. Under experimental conditions, influenza d virus replicated and transmitted among ferrets and guinea pigs. These are small changes or mutations in the genes of influenza viruses that can lead to changes in the surface proteins of the virus. The two influenza a virus subtypes have cocirculated in human populations.

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